A Life Update

Well, it has been quite some time, and I think it is an understatement to say it is about time for a life update. I graduated in May of 2019 with my bachelor’s in Biomedical Science with a minor in Chemistry and Forensics. I did flirt with the idea of going to graduate school, but a scholarship fell through for me, and I had significant reservations about taking on the student debt from another two years of university, so I ended up not furthering the research I was doing with my microbiology professor as a senior. About two months after moving home and a lot of interviewing for jobs in the biotechnology field, I finally landed a position that was close to home and that piqued my interest.

So, in July 2019, I began a position at a biotechnology company that specialized in culturing algae to transform sustainably derived raw materials into protein powder that is rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, about 1.5 years into my tenure there, our direction changed quite a bit, and we completely moved away from algae fermentations and more towards utilizing and developing advanced biotechnology processes to biosynthesize sustainably derived antimicrobial agents using bacteria and sustainably derived renewable substrates. In 2022, I got the idea to go back to school through the my jobs continuing education program to get my Master’s degree in biological sciences, which allowed me to gain practical experience in the field while pursuing my academic aspirations. I graduated this summer from my Master’s program, and early this year, I got quite the promotion and became the site Industrial Microbiologist.

My hobbies are about the same. I still love reading, cooking plant-based foods, watching anime, and spending time with my friends and family. Since I graduated, I kind of got the writing bug again, but I guess I never really lost it because even since my last post in 2019, I have still been writing about what interested me, but I was not publishing it to my WordPress. Often, I find writing down my thoughts gives me not only better insights into who I am but also aids in my ability to conceptualize ideas by using my own voice. For example, I read a great book called Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life by Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields and wrote quite extensively about it in my notes app. The book really aided me in fostering disperse ideas I had on the subject because of my reading of Adolph L. Reed Jr, Cornel West, and Rev. Dr. William Barber , giving me the sociological and historical grounding I needed. But I digress as my last semester came to a close, I had the inexplicable urge to make my writing public once again, so I did, and hopefully, it will evolve into a more regular habit. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I am attempting to learn Dutch, for I would like to visit and maybe even live there in the near or distant future. So far, it is going well; it is a Germanic language that has some similarities with English. However, it has some odd pronunciations to my English ear.

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